There are many different and creative ways you can
fundraise. It doesn't matter whether you're an individual,
group or business - with an interest in the great cause that
is children's health, your fundraising can be a great success.
As a fundraising organiser, you're making a special contribution that Finnan’s Gift both greatly needs and appreciates. When deciding what to do, consider what you would like, and what would appeal to your friends and family, like social or sporting events…
Events and activities can raise significant funds and make a huge impact on the lives of children. And remember, the Finnan’s Gift team is here to help you plan along the way.
Its a great idea to combine more than one activity to fundraise, or use multiple activities at one event, such as a dinner dance with a raffle and silent auction, or a fete with a 'guess how many jelly beans in the jar' competition.
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Family fun day with picnic games
Trivia night
Dinner dance, gala ball or cocktail party
Concert or music performance
Dinner party - at home or at a restaurant
Movie night - at the cinema or in the backyard
Sporting days - cricket, footy, lawn bowls
Fun endurance challenges - a walk, run, swim, bike ride,
skipping or triathlon event -
Calendar themed events - Christmas, Valentine's Day,
Mother's Day, Spring Carnival, Winter Wonderland… -
Casual or themed clothes day at your school or workplace
A prize raffle or auction
Pre-loved fashion sale, garage sale, market stall or
homemade goods stall -
Or unique event of your own!
Registering your event or activity
If you plan to raise funds for The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation on behalf of Finnan’s Gift, you need to make sure your event or activity is registered and authorised. Some activities and events may require additional permits and/ or licenses. To register your event please click here.
How can we help you?
If you would like to get involved with some of the amazing Finnan's Gift fundraising events, like Team Finnan's Gift or The Op Shop Ball, please contact:
Sophie Smith
Finnan's Gift Volunteer Community Coordinator
Ph: 0430454069
The staff at the Foundation can also provide useful tips, advice and support for your fundraising event or activity.
Contact Laura Buck via email or 03 9345 6491 to discuss your plans in more detail.

Host Your
Own Event
Would you like to support Finnan’s Gift
but aren't sure where to start?