Echocardiology Surgical
Simulation System
This year, Finnan’s Gift committed to supporting a new Point Of Care module for the Echocardiology Surgical Simulation System. Your generosity has helped buy the RCH the transoesophageal simulation technology the cardiac care team so dearly wanted.
Compared with other ultrasound technology, the transesophageal echocardiogram, provides doctors with the clearest and most detailed image of the heart’s structure and function, and helps guide surgery.
This state-of-the-art teaching device will assist the next generation of doctors and anaesthetic professionals at the RCH to hone their skills, as they prepare to perform some of the most complex life saving surgical procedures on young patients.

As the largest paediatric heart centre in Australia, the RCH’s Cardiology Department attracts cardiac trainees
from across the country and abroad. Together, through Finnan’s Gift, we’re helping the brightest medical minds to
access the most advanced simulation training, so they can practice critical skills in a time-unrestricted and low pressure environment before applying these skills in theatre.
Professor Michael Cheung, Director of the Cardiology Department at the RCH, says the technology will allow for greater ‘hands on’ learning opportunities.
“The addition of this simulation w ill mean the learning opportunity for our junior doctors and staff is much improved and will mean they are better prepared to assist in the guidance and assessment of surgical interventions. Rather than learning in a high stress, time critical situation like surgery, the system allows the next generation of doctors to develop, refine, and apply skills in a realistic clinical situation, prior to surgery,” said Michael.
“Thanks to you, the next generation of health professionals now get access to the pinnacle of training simulators, enabling them to deliver the best care and save the lives of some of the sickest children in the hospital".
Th Echocardiology Surgical Simulation System system will deliver further impact, with all ultrasounds from the system being stored in a technical platform, allowing knowledge and findings to be accessed by all Royal Children’s Hospital clinicians, improving education and outcomes for both Doctors and patients for many years to come.