CardioHELP - Mobile Heart & Lung Machine

This year Finnan’s Gift is committed to buying the first ever Cardiohelp machine for the Royal Childrens Hospital, Melbourne (RCH). Cardiohelp is a purpose built, mobile heart lung ECMO machine used to transport critically ill cardiac patients safely from regional hospitals throughout Australia back to the RCH for expert care.
Over the last 19 years since the RCH started performing inter-hospital transport, there has been no specific machine to assist with these precarious and time consuming transfers (some taking as long as 23 hours for a return trip).
While there have been recent developments, these trips are still using equipment designed for in hospital use, which create weight and logistic based challenges for the doctors on board, but most seriously, do not utilise cutting edge technologies and can potentially compromise a patient mid-air, where alternate resources are non-existent.
Finnan’s Gift could not be more delighted to fundraise for a world class, custom built CardioHelp machine - a compact and portable heart lung machine which has been specifically designed for transporting cardiac patients requiring life saving respiratory and circulatory support.
“Having an unwell child is one of the most stressful experiences a parent can go through! When we heard that there was a way to reduce the risk and stress of transporting a child to the RCH to receive world class cardiac treatment, we jumped at the opportunity” said Alisa Camplin-Warner.
“The added bonus of our 2020 grant is that we are able to reach out and improve care for sick children and their families from all around Australia, while still delivering a cutting edge piece of technology to the RCH” added Oliver Camplin-Warner.
Finnan’s Gift is asking for all their supporters to help fundraise the $150,000 required for the CardioHelp machine. Whether you’d like to run in our Melbourne Marathon team, host your own event, or donate directly, every little bit counts in helping to mend broken hearts across Australia.