Life Support Equipment Grant

The centrifugal pumps are an integral component of the Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) life support machines used at the RCH. These pumps provide critical support of heart and lung function in children post-surgery by pumping re-oxygenated blood around the body. Recent advances in technology have resulted in pumps that are smaller, safer and and allow for easier patient mobility and transfer than ever before.
The RCH established an extracorporeal life support program in 1989 and since then almost 900 children have received this treatment, including Finnan. ECMO provides continuous artificial heart and lung support used both during surgery and recovery in intensive care after surgery. It is a vital life support therapy and only used on the sickest children in hospital, who would be unlikely to survive without it.
Proud father Oliver Camplin-Warner said: “So many babies are born with life threatening conditions that need immediate support. Support that comes from the love of their parents, families and friends. Support that comes from the wonderful staff of the RCH and support that comes from innovative technology.”
“The science and technology needed to keep a child alive after cardiac surgery is staggering. As a parent, you become obsessed with every number on every machine, desperately hoping for a positive sign. It’s vital that Finnan’s Gift keeps supporting improvements in technology to reduce risks and improve recovery outcomes for patients and their families”.
Finnan's Gift co-founder Alisa Camplin-Warner said “For us, Finnan’s Gift represents courage, strength and hope, and we feel privileged to present our largest ever grant of $250,000 on behalf of all the families who have been through the same kind of heartache that we have."
“We are incredibly grateful to the thousands of donors and fundraisers that have enabled Finnan’s Gift to make such a huge difference to the RCH. You have helped Finnan’s Gift to invest in new technology, advance training through scholarships and provide world-class equipment that directly improves the care of cardiac patients and children requiring intensive care treatment at the RCH every day."
In March 2015, Finnan's Gift's presented a
$250,000 cheque to The Royal Children’s
Hospital (RCH) Foundation to purchase new
pumps for the RCH Paediatric Intensive
Care Unit's heart/lung life support machines.